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Brief CV

Education & Certification

  • RCVS Specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine (Avian), 2022

  • EBVS® European Veterinary Specialist in Zoological Medicine (Avian Medicine & Surgery), 2021

  • Diplomate European College of Zoological Medicine(Avian Medicine & Surgery), 2021

  • RCVS Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice - CertAVP (Zoological Medicine), May 2018

  • Zoological Medicine Residency (ECZM Avian Medicine & Surgery), Great Western Exotic Vets, Swindon, UK, May 2016-2019

  • Zoological Medicine Internship, Great Western Exotic Vets, Swindon, UK, Feb 2015–May 2016

  • Bachelor of Veterinary Science University of Bristol, UK, July 2014


Professional Experience


  • May 2019 – Present: Service Lead, Avian & Exotics Service, VetPartners Practices Ltd T/A Valley Vets, Cardiff, Wales

  • May 2016 – May 2019: Zoological Medicine Resident (Avian), Great Western Exotic Vets, Swindon, England

  • February 2015 – May 2016: Zoological Medicine Intern, Great Western Exotic Vets, Swindon, England 

  • July 2014 – February 2015: Veterinary Surgeon, Summerhill Veterinary Centre, Newport, Wales 


Publications List:


Peer Reviewed Journal Articles

  1. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2023). Dermatology. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 26(2), pp. 327-346.

  2. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2022). Avian reproductive disorders. Companion Animal, 27(2), pp. 1-8.

  3. HEDLEY, J., WHITEHEAD, ML., MUNNS, C., PELLETT S., ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., WISSINK-ARGILAGA, N. (2021). Antibiotic Stewardship for Reptiles. Journal of Small Animal Practice, 62(10), pp. 829-839. 

  4. HEDLEY, J., FAYERS, B., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2021). Complications associated with esophagostomy tube placement in chelonian patients. Journal of Exotic Pet Medicine, 37, pp. 24-26.

  5. ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D. (2019). Technological Advances in Herpetoculture. Veterinary Clinics of North America: Exotic Animal Practice, 22(3), pp. 387-396. 

  6. ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., JONES, S.L., DUTTON, T.A.G. (2019). Percloacal Ovocentesis in the Treatment of Avian Egg Binding: Review of 20 Cases. Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 33(3), pp. 251-257. 

  7. ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., SHIMIZU, N., FORBES, N.A., DUTTON, T.A.G., FROEHLICH, F., DE BELLIS, F. (2018). Superficial Chronic Ulcerative Dermatitis (SCUD) in Psittacines: Review of 11 Cases (2008-2016). Journal of Avian Medicine and Surgery, 32(1), pp. 25-33. 

  8. CALVO CARRASCO, D., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Surgical narrowing of the preputial orifice for treatment of recurrent penile prolapse in a degu (Octodon degus). Veterinary Record Case Reports, 3(1), e000223. 

  9. ABOU-ZAHR, T., DUTTON, T.A.G., CARRASCO, D.C., FORBES, N., STIDWORTHY, M.F. (2015). Atherosclerotic aortic aneurysm in a steppe eagle (Aquila nipalensis). Veterinary Record Case Reports, 3(1), e000218. 


Scientific Proceedings

  1. INZANI, H., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2023). Extraction of an Ectopically Erupted Incisor in a Domestic Rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus). Abstract 55. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, November 2023, Birmingham, pp. 100.

  2. HEDLEY, J., WHITEHEAD, M., MUNNS, C., Pellet, S., ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., WISSINK-ARGILAGA, N. (2018). Antibiotic Usage in Reptiles. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, November 2018, Birmingham, pp. 58.

  3. STOKES, D., ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D. (2017). Nursing care of reptiles with dystocia. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, October 2017, London, pp. 45. 

  4. STOKES, D., ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO D. (2017). Nursing case study: Argentinian horned frog with an impaction. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, October 2017, London, pp. 46.

  5. ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., STOKES, D. (2017). Post-ovulatory dystocia in captive reptiles: a review of 46 cases from a UK practice. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, October 2017, London, pp. 93. 

  6. ABOU-ZAHR, T., CALVO CARRASCO, D., SHIMIZU, N., FORBES, N.A., DUTTON, T.A.G., FROEHLICH, F., DE BELLIS, F. (2017). Superficial chronic ulcerative dermatitis (SCUD) in pet psittacines: a review of eleven cases from a UK practice. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, October 2017, London, pp. 69. 

  7. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2017). Policing Welfare at UK Reptile Shows – Findings from the Last Three Events. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, October 2017, London, pp. 62. 

  8. CALVO CARRASCO, D., ABOU-ZAHR T., STIDWORTHY, M.F. (2017). Dermatomycosis Caused by Candida guilliermondii in a Green Iguana (Iguana iguana). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine (ICARE), March 2017, Venice, pp. 400.

  9. CALVO CARRASCO, D., ABOU-ZAHR T., SHIMIZU, N., FORBES, N.A. (2017). Correction of Congenital Rostrum Mandibulare Deformity in a Yellow Billed Kite Chick (Milvus aegypticus). Proceedings of the 3rd International Conference on Avian, Herpetological and Exotic Mammal Medicine (ICARE), March 2017, Venice, pp. 686.

  10. ABOU-ZAHR, T (2014). Morphs, Mutations and Selective Breeding: Problems with Pedigree Birds and Reptiles. Proceedings of the British Veterinary Zoological Society, November 2014, Lancaster, pp. 29.        


Veterinary Press Articles & Contributions

  1. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2021). Basic Information Sheet: Ramphastidae. LafeberVet web site, November 4, 2021. Available at: 

  2. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2021). Client Education Handout: Care of Toucans, Toucanets and Aracaris. LafeberVet web site, November 2021. Available at: 

  3. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2021). Top Tip! RWAF Vets Newsletter, Winter 2020/2021.

  4. ABOU-ZAHR, T., MACLEAN, B (2018). Fungal Infections Overview. Vetstream, Exotis, Reptiles, ISSN 2398-2985. Available at:

  5. ABOU-ZAHR, T., ROWNTREE, Y (2018). Lower Respiratory Tract Disease. Vetstream, Exotis, Reptiles, ISSN 2398-2985. Available at:

  6. O’CONNOR, L., REYHER, K., PLACE, E., ABOU-ZAHR, T.(2018). What is an appropriate dose of voriconazole for the treatment of aspergillosis in African grey parrots (Psittacus erithacus)? Veterinary Record 183(4), 131-132.

  7. CHALMERS, G., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2018). Ten-minute chat. Veterinary Record182(20), i-ii.  

  8. AZOUAGHE, O., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2017). Policing welfare at reptile shows – findings from the last three events. Veterinary Record, 18(16), 413.

  9. ABOU-ZAHR, T., FORBES, N. (2015). How an Avian Vet Tackles Dealing with Sick Birds. Veterinary Times, 45(42), October 19th, 2015. 

  10. ABOU-ZAHR, T., FORBES, N. (2015). Diagnosis of Liver Disease in Companion Parrots. Veterinary Times, 45(19), May 11th, 2015.

Lay Press Articles

  1. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2024). Allergies in Parrots, Northern Parrots Blog, allergies-in-parrots

  2. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2020). Meet the Vets, Magazine of the British Waterfowl Association, Winter 2020. 

  3. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2019). Bush Budgies. Parrots Magazine, 262, November 2019.

  4. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2018). Morphs, Mutations & Selective Breeding in Herpetoculture. The Natterjack (BHS). Issue 217. 

  5. JONES, T., ABOU-ZAHR, T.(2018). Tariq Abou-Zahr: A Veterinary Perspective. Peregrine Reptile News (Peregrine Livefoods Magazine), August 2018. 

  6. DUTTON, T., ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2018). Disorders of the Beak. Parrots Magazine, 246, July 2018. 

  7. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2018). Nutrition for Parrots. Parrots Magazine, 244, May 2018. 

  8. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2018). Ear Disease in Ferrets: A Crash Course for Owners. Newsletter of The National Ferret Welfare Society, 110, Spring 2018. 

  9. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2017). Flight of Fancy. Your Guide to Commonly Kept Birds. Pet Focus, Winter 2017. 

  10. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2017). Hand Rearing Parrots, Why We Shouldn’t. Parrots Magazine, 234, July 2017.

  11. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2017). Keeping Exotic Pets. Parrots Magazine, 230, March 2017. 

  12. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2016). Feeding Issues with Snakes Practical Reptile Keeping, 85, March 2016. 

  13. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2016). Fascinating Friends: An Introduction to Keeping Parrots. Pet Focus, Winter 2016. 

  14. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Feathered Friends: The Basics of Budgie Care. Pet Focus, Winter 2015. 

  15. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). New Thoughts on Old Problems. Practical Reptile Keeping, 76, July 2015. 

  16. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Reptile Obstetrics. Practical Reptile Keeping, 75, June 2015. 

  17. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Ways of Treating Reptiles. Practical Reptile Keeping, 74, May 2015. 

  18. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Faced with a Sick Reptile? Practical Reptile Keeping, 73, April 2015. 

  19. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Are You Putting Your Collection in Danger? Practical Reptile Keeping, 71, February 2015. 

  20. ABOU-ZAHR, T. (2015). Acquiring Healthy Stock. Practical Reptile Keeping, 70, January 2015. 


Veterinary Conferences Attended

  1. BVZS Spring 2014 – Marwell Zoo, UK

  2. BVZS Autumn 2014 – Lancaster University, UK

  3. BVZS Autumn 2015 – Bristol Zoo, UK

  4. BVZS Autumn 2017 – ZSL London Zoo, UK

  5. ICARE 2017 – Venice, Italy 

  6. PALS Laboratories Conference 2018 – Cheshire, UK

  7. ExoticsCon 2018 – Atlanta, GA, USA

  8. BVZS 2019 - Manchester, UK

  9. ExoticsCon 2019 - St. Louis, MO, USA  

  10. AAV Avian Medicine Virtual 2020 - Virtual due to the COVID-19 pandemic 

  11. BSAVA Congress 2022 - Manchester, UK

  12. ExoticsCon 2022 - Denver, CO, USA

  13. BVZS 2022 - Birmingham, UK

  14. BVZS 2023 - Birmingham, UK

Relevant Positions 

1. Companion Animal Sector Council (CASC) Chair, July 2023-Current 

2. ECZM Scientific Committee, 2023-Current

3. Parrot Awareness Week, Organising Committee, 2023-2024 

4. The Parrot Society UK, Trustee, 2022-2024

5. Association of Avian Veterinarians (AAV) International Committee Member, 2021-2024

6. British Veterinary Zoological Society (BVZS) Council Member, 2021-2023

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