Dr Tariq Abou-Zahr BVSc CertAVP(ZooMed) DipECZM(Avian) MRCVS
Exotic Animal Veterinary Surgeon
EBVS & RCVS Recognised Veterinary Specialist in Zoological Medicine (Avian Medicine & Surgery)

Tariq Abou-Zahr is an avian and exotic vet who qualified as a veterinary surgeon from the University of Bristol in 2014. He completed the RCVS Professional Development Phase (PDP) in small animal general practice at Summerhill Vets in Newport, S.Wales. Following that, he embarked on a 4 year ECZM combined internship/residency program in Zoological Medicine (Avian Medicine & Surgery) at Great Western Exotic Vets in Swindon. After completing his residency, he moved back home to Wales where he is currently practising (See "Veterinary Services").
He gained his RCVS Certificate of Advanced Veterinary Practice (CertAVP) in Zoological Medicine through the University of Edinburgh in 2018 and passed the final synoptic examination with distinction. He became board certified in zoological medicine (avian medicine & surgery) and a diplomate of the ECZM(Avian) in 2021 and an RCVS recognised specialist in Zoo & Wildlife Medicine (Avian) in 2022.
Tariq's main clinical interests are in avian and reptile medicine, surgery & welfare, although he enjoys all aspects of private exotic animal practice and also treats a large number of small mammals, ranging from rabbits, ferrets, guinea pigs and small pet rodents, through to more "exotic" species like pygmy hedgehogs, tenrecs, sugar gliders and small primates. Tariq has lectured on numerous occasions on the subject of avian & exotic medicine, both in the UK and internationally and has published several publications in the field of zoological medicine (see "CV" in the menu for more information).
Tariq is a lifelong exotic animal enthusiast. He has been an aviculturist since the age of 7 when he obtained his first pair of budgerigars (named Sparky and Spangles) and a herpetoculturist since the age of 11 when he obtained a corn snake, named Fred. His first pet parrot was a sun conure called Mango. Throughout his teenage years and early twenties, Tariq kept rabbits, guinea pigs, rats, fish and a huge variety of different reptiles and cage & aviary birds. He has bred a number of species of birds and reptiles. He also spent several years both racing pigeons (in the Rhondda Valley Federation) and exhibiting silver and gold Sebright bantams, his favourite breed of chicken. He still keeps a private collection of birds and reptiles (see "my animals" in the menu for more information). Tariq believes that natural-world themed hobbies such as herpetoculture and aviculture have lots of benefits for individuals and for society and is a keen proponent of bird and reptile keeping, providing they are done with the welfare and conservation of the animals in mind.
An advocate of responsible exotic pet keeping, Tariq believes that husbandry practices which are conducive to a high standard of animal welfare are essential where exotic species are kept in captivity and is keen to support projects/campaigns which aim to improve welfare standards for exotic species. He is also keen to encourage the provision of suitable veterinary care for all captive exotics.
Tariq is available for consultation on a 1st opinion and referral (organised through your own veterinary surgeon) basis (see "veterinary services" in the menu for more information).
RCVS Registration No: 7092261

Tariq's Snake Room At Home